Specific partners
long-lasting bonds with our suppliers
We have forged very strong links with our suppliers. We have worked with the majority of them for over 10 years. These years of collaboration have enabled us to continuously improve the quality of our products. We now want to go further, and involve them with us in the sustainable and ambitious transformation project that we are undertaking.
All of our suppliers undertake to respect our supplier code of conduct. We ask them to comply with an ethical code and the principles contained therein, such as fighting against child labour and forced labour, respect for legal working hours, guarantee of fair remuneration, a safe and healthy working environment and freedom of association, etc. Our suppliers must in turn ensure that these principles are respected by their own suppliers and subcontractors. In the event of non-compliance and non-correction of one of these principles, we reserve the right to terminate our business relationship.
In accordance with the French Sapin II Law, we have drawn up a Code of Ethics and set up an internal whistleblowing system, to which all stakeholders of ba&sh have access (employees, suppliers, shareholders, etc.). This allows a whistleblower to report actual or potential breaches of the ba&sh Code of Ethics provisions throughout the value chain.

each trade has its own know-how
60% of our production is made in Asia, split between China and India. We mainly manufacture garments in cotton, viscose and polyester, with raw materials that come from these regions.

40% of our production is made between Europe (30%) and North Africa. We mainly manufacture accessories, knitwear and sleeved garments there, relying on local know-how.

trust also comes through auditS

We will support our suppliers over time in setting up corrective action plans in order to contribute as much as possible to the rapid and sustainable transformation of our industry towards environmentally friendly and ethical fashion. If a supplier shows an obvious unwillingness to improve, we will end our business relationship.
1. 55% of production sites to be audited by the end of 2021, representing 75% in terms of production volume.
2. 100% of our tier 1 suppliers to be audited by 2023 (direct suppliers).
3. 100% of our tier 2 suppliers to be audited by 2025 (indirect suppliers).

Depuis août 2021, ba&sh est membre de BSCI, une initiative de conformité sociale. Cet outil offre un cadre pour contrôler et améliorer la performance sociale dans notre chaine d’approvisionnement : cartographie des fournisseurs, détection précoce de problèmes, audit, mesures correctives et formation. L’objectif est de protéger les droits des travailleurs et d’améliorer leurs conditions de travail.