Shoes & Accessories

205 products

tote BAG

14 colors

blemence BELT

2 colors

blemence BELT

2 colors

briska belt

2 colors

briska belt

2 colors

june bag

13 colors

tote bag

13 colors

tote bag

13 colors

swing BAG

8 colors

swing BAG

8 colors

tote bag

13 colors

claudia boots

2 colors

claudia boots

2 colors

woody earrings



2 colors

swing bag

2 colors

naoki necklace

2 colors

swing bag

2 colors

caitlin BOOTS

3 colors

june BAG

5 colors

casey Shoes

2 colors


2 colors

june BAG

5 colors

tote bag

13 colors

nadav necklace

2 colors

reset WATCH

7 colors

sandals CESARIA

2 colors

cegane sandals

3 colors


2 colors

swing BAG

2 colors

caitlin Boots

3 colors

cegane sandals

3 colors

swing BAG

2 colors

baya belt

2 colors

bilissi Belt

2 colors

olivia EARRING

2 colors

nadav necklace

2 colors

soul earring

2 colors

brooke belt

4 colors


2 colors

tote BAG

14 colors

Productsout of

Leaving the house without a bag? Never! Jewelry, hats, caps, headbands, scarves, clutch bags, purses… accessories are a vital part ofMore Leaving the house without a bag? Never! Jewelry, hats, caps, headbands, scarves, clutch bags, purses… accessories are a vital part of ba&sh's collections and guarantee the perfect look. Looking for inspiration? The TEDDY bag! Created by our founders, Barbara and Sharon, and available in multiple sizes, this is the ideal piece for every woman. For a truly unique style, ba&sh's bags and accessories are must-haves! Less