This is BA&SH: a brand founded by two women, for women
Dressing them and celebrating them
In its clothing as in its commitment, ba&sh puts the empowerment of all women at the heart of its mission. Our ambition is to do everything we can to build a more tolerant, inclusive society together, one that is more open to the world.
A female legacy
From the beginnings of our two founders, Barbara & Sharon (the "Ba" and the "Sh" of ba&sh), to our most recent and ambitious development projects, we are committed every day to demonstrating our support for all women.
Supporting our employees
Because equality is built on a daily basis, and every action counts, we are committed, within our brand, to continuing to cultivate our values and our policy of professional equality with our employees. From their recruitment and throughout their professional lives.

Barbara & Sharon

Diversity & Inclusion
Comparing life paths, sharing experiences, getting out of one's bubble and learning from others: at ba&sh we know how valuable diversity is, and we are committed to cultivating it. Gender, age, nationality, culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation... Because they enrich the exchanges and the working environment, because they favour the development of the individual as well as that of the group, these differences find their place with us. In addition to recruiting talents from all walks of life, we created a Diversity & Inclusion Committee in April 2021. This committee is made up of ba&sh employees and is involved in the organisation of internal awareness-raising actions as well as the roll-out of ba&sh's Diversity & Inclusion Plan for 2025.
Key partner: ba&sh x UNESCO
Who better than UNESCO to support us in our commitment to diversity? Today, this partnership takes the form of seminars delivered by renowned experts, with a clear objective: to make our employees aware of and responsible for intercultural diversity, and to establish the everyday actions that enable the creation of an inclusive work environment.

Equal opportunities and disability
Diversity is an opportunity, in all its forms. At ba&sh, we have been sensitive to the subject of disability for many years and we do everything possible to welcome our disabled employees in the best possible conditions.
Our initiatives in 2022
Participation in Duodays: observation and discovery days in the professional environment specially designed for young trainees with disabilities
Our website is accessible to the visually impaired, hearing impaired, people with cognitive problems or epilepsy in all our markets.
Our employees also took part in the "Every step counts for Handicap International" challenge. A whole week of mobilisation during which our employees ran and walked, with each step making it possible to finance important projects for the Handicap International association.
ba&sh rolls up its sleeves
220,000 euros raised for Ruban Rose
The founders of ba&sh have always been driven by a sense of commitment and have infused this into the brand since the beginning of their joint professional adventure, so much so that the fight against breast cancer has always been one of the brand's priorities. In 2017 and 2018, 220,000 euros were donated to Ruban Rose as part of the Pink October awareness campaign.
100,000 euros were donated to Women Safe & Children and Women for Women UK
In 2019 and 2020, Barbara and Sharon chose to commit to Women Safe & Children and Women for Women UK, raising over €100,000 on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. All the profits from the ENOUGH t-shirt, made in Portugal from organic cotton, were donated to these two associations.

Blazers for Trailblazers: a blazer to fund women's projects
The question
How much of the funding for start-ups do you think goes to companies founded by women? 50%? That's quite optimistic! 25%? Try a lower figure...
The answer?
Only 3%.
ba&sh's commitment to female start-ups
As entrepreneurs themselves, determined to make a difference, and convinced that there is strength in numbers, our founders Barbara and Sharon envisioned in 2021 the international initiative "Blazers for Trailblazers". The concept: dedicate the profits from the sale of ba&sh blazers to entrepreneurial projects led by women, and thus allow our customers to encourage women's initiatives through their purchase. We've got the power!

Training the female tech talent of tomorrow!
ba&sh, the women's ready-to-wear brand founded by Barbara Boccara and Sharon Krief, reaffirms its commitment to female entrepreneurship and breaks the mould by partnering with the first feminist programming school @Ada Tech School. Thanks to the profits generated by the success of the Blazers for Trailblazers operation, ba&sh and Ada Tech School are sponsoring 9 "Women in Tech" scholarships to support the education of young women who will become future developers. The beneficiaries will be trained in computer programming in order to boost their skills in a predominantly male dominated job sector.
"At ba&sh, we have always been committed to empowering women and promoting equal opportunities. Because work is a powerful source of emancipation, we strongly support female entrepreneurship and we would like to give a opportunity to those who want to join the Ada Tech School."
Pierre-Arnaud Grenade, Managing Director of ba&sh.
Institut Rafaël x ba&sh

At ba&sh, we believe that clothing has the power to give women the confidence to face all of life's challenges. Ba&sh is launching a makeover workshop in partnership with the Rafael Institute, Europe’s first centre for integrative medicine, to support 11 women who are battling with cancer. These 11 women were given a stylist at the institute and together they were able to find their favourite look from a selection of pieces adapted to their style and tastes. Each woman was able to take their favourite ba&sh pieces away with them. The is the start of a partnership that we hope will last for a long time.
The 6 pillars of our commitment
Frequently asked questions
The production of raw materials is ba&sh's main area of concern in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and pressure on biodiversity.
To reduce this impact, ba&sh gives preference to organically grown materials, certified materials that guarantee animal welfare and the sustainable management of pastures, recycled fibres and viscose made from wood pulp from sustainably managed forests.
In 2022 production, 57% of materials were certified. By 2025, this figure is projected to have reached 100% (except for alpaca, for which the target has been set for 2027).
We have defined a framework to monitor and improve social performance in our supply chain.
Each partner must commit to our supplier code of conduct and comply with a number of ethical principles.
We conduct social audits of our entire supplier base. If non-conformities are identified, we support our suppliers in implementing corrective action plans to contribute as much as possible to the rapid and sustainable transformation of our industry.
Since August 2021, ba&sh is also a member of BSCI, a social compliance initiative. This tool provides a framework for monitoring and improving social performance in our supply chain: supplier mapping, early detection of problems, auditing, corrective actions and training. The aim is to protect workers' rights and improve their working conditions.
Our shopping bags and parcel boxes are made from 80% and 100% recycled paper and are FSC-certified. They are 100% recyclable.
In 2022, 93% of packaging used at ba&sh was made from at least 50% recycled paper.
In 2022, 87% of plastic packaging was made from at least 30% recycled plastic. While 12% of packaging was still made from virgin plastic in 2022, ba&sh aims to use 0% virgin plastic by the end of 2023.
ba&sh is also in the process of implementing a circular and reusable packaging solution. After receiving an order, the packaging used to send your parcel can be returned by post free of charge. When empty, it can be folded into a letter format! This packaging reduces greenhouse gas emissions by more than 80% compared to 100% recycled and 100% recyclable packaging.